June 3 (Reuters) - Wind and solar power generation in the European Union increased by 46% from 2019, when the current ...
[北京 2日 ロイター] - 中国の無人月面探査機「嫦娥6号」が2日、予定通り月の裏側への着陸に成功した。岩や土壌などのサンプルを採取して地球に持ち帰る世界初の計画の重要なハードルの一つを乗り越えた形だ。
TOKYO, June 3 (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 hit Japan's Ishikawa prefecture on Monday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. No tsunami warning was issued after the ...
[東京3日 ロイター] - 気象庁によると、3日午前6時31分ごろ、石川県能登地方で最大震度5強の地震が観測された。震源の深さは10キロ、マグニチュードは5.9。津波の心配はない。
Reuters newsletters provide a comprehensive summary and analysis of the most important news, compiled by the world’s most trusted news organization, and delivered to your inbox. Please make your ...
[ロンドン/ドバイ 2日 ロイター] - 石油輸出国機構(OPEC)と非加盟産油国でつくる「OPECプラス」は2日の閣僚級会合で、協調減産を2025年末まで延長することで合意した。需要の伸び悩みや高金利などに圧迫される原油価格を下支えする。
June 3 (Reuters) - A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. Asia kicks off the new trading month for global markets on Monday, with manufacturing PMI data from the continent's biggest economies ...
LONDON, June 2 (Reuters) - British opposition leader Keir Starmer will pledge on Monday to secure the country's nuclear deterrent, trying to reassure voters before an election that the nation would be ...
PARIS, June 2 (Reuters) - Second seed Jannik Sinner shook off a sluggish start and blazed into the French Open quarter-finals ...
June 2 - Nelson Velazquez's two-run triple and Nick Loftin's sacrifice fly rallied the Kansas City Royals past the visiting ...