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  • Effective for pet odor
  • Helps with allergies
  • Compact size
  • Easy to install

Afloia Air Purifiers for Home Bedroom Large Room Up to 1076 Ft², True HEPA Filter Air Purifier for Pets Dust Pollen Allergies Dander Mold Odor Smoke

Opinia użytkowników:
This air purifier is a great value for money and works well to clean the air around you. It is easy to set up and set up, and is quiet enough to have running with clients in the office. It also has a filter for cleaning and is easy to remove.
Ikona Porównaj produkty
Afloia Air Purifiers for Home Bedroom Large Room is a 3-stage filter air purifier that can filter particles as small as 0.03 microns and remove 99.99% of pet dander, dust, pollen, smoke, odor and mold from the room up to 1076 sq ft in an hour. It has customizable atmosphere lighting with dimming feature on sleep mode and multiple filter choices availabl…
Afloia Air Purifiers for Home Bedroom Large Room is a 3-stage filter air purifier that can filter particles as small as 0.03 microns and remove 99.99% of pet dander, dust, pollen, smoke, odor and mold from the room up to 1076 sq ft in an hour. It has customizable atmosphere lighting with dimming feature on sleep mode and multiple filter choices available for replacement every 4-6 months.
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Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
This air purifier is a great value for money and works well to clean the air around you. It is easy to set up and set up, and is quiet enough to have running with clients in the office. It also has a filter for cleaning and is easy to remove.


  • Effective for pet odor
  • Helps with allergies
  • Compact size
  • Easy to install
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Afloia Air Purifiers for Home Bedroom Large Room is a 3-stage filter air purifier that can filter particles as small as 0.03 microns and remove 99.99% of pet dander, dust, pollen, smoke, odor and mold from the room up to 1076 sq ft in an hour. It has customizable atmosphere lighting with dimming feature on sleep mode and multiple filter choices available for replacement every 4-6 months.

Cechy produktu

Room Size1076 Square Feet
Power SourceAc
Specification MetCarb Certified
Control MethodTouch
Product Dimensions8"d X 8"w X 15"h
Item Weight4.8 Pounds